
Hair Acronyms

So what does EL, BC, and PS mean anyway?? Well, if you are a newbie starting out you may be asking yourself these questions. The healthy haircare world has lots of hair lingo you should know and become familiar with throughout your healthy hair journey. So no need to worry, I've compiled a list of acronyms below:

EL=Ear Length

NL=Neck Length

CBL=Collar Bone Length

SL=Shoulder Length

APL=Arm Pit Length

BSL=Bra Strap Length

BSB=Below Shoulder Blade

MBL=Mid Back Length

WL=Waist Length

HL=Hip Length

TBL=Tail Bone Length

CL=Classic Length
KL=Knee Length

HHJ=Healthy Hair Journey
PS=Protective Style

PJ=Product Junkie
ACV=Apple Cider Vinegar
Co-Wash=Conditioner Wash-Washing your hair with conditioner only.

Dusting=Lightly trimming your ends as needed to prevent or snip away split ends. It's ususally only about 1/8 or 1/4 inch.

Texlaxed=Hair that have been intentionally under processed with a relaxer.  Relaxing the hair under the recommended amount of time so that the curl pattern is loosed but the hair is still thicker and has texture.
Goal Length= Ultimate hair length you desire to reach.

LHCF=Long Hair Care Forum

BSS=Beauty Supply Store

BC=Big Chop=Cutting off the relaxed ends to become fully natural!

Transitioning=Growing out your relaxer or no longer getting a relaxer in order to go natural.

Line of Demarcation= Point where the natural hair and relaxed hair meet. This area is very delicate and needs extra TLC.

Moisturizer=Products we put on our hair to keep it moisturized. This can be in the form of conditioners, leave in, or other types of hair moisturizers. Our hair tends to be dryer and needs moisture in order to prevent breakage. Hair that lacks moisture tends to be dry.

Protein=Can be found in certain hair products to help strengthen the hair.

EVOO=Extra Virgin Olive Oil

ECVO=Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Castor Oil

NG=New Growth

SLS=Sodium Laurel Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate= Ingredients in shampoos and can be drying to your hair.

Pre-Poo=It’s good to prep your hair before using shampoos with SLS. You can pre-poo with oils or a moisturizing conditioner in order to prevent drying due to the shampoo.

Low Manipulation=Hair styles which involve no heat, no combing or brushing, in order to aid in length retention.

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